The Advisers' Top Ten Recommendations for Enjoying Madrid
When we have been to a tournament outside our town, we have always wondered the same thing:
In what bar is it best to have the first drink?
Where can I continue the party?
And if Saturday I do not have to play a match, what museum or art exhibition can I visit?
No doubt so much activity can mean that Sunday we are late risers, which is the perfect ocasion for a good brunch or for a post-tournament cocktail. And clearly the best people to answer these questions are the people of the town hosting the tournament. This is why we have gathered a real top-ten of Madpoint guys (and some husbands too, but we will keep that secret) to hear their ten not-to-miss suggestions for enjoying Madrid, day and night. Enjoy!
Madrid at night
The lesbian route |
To begin with, we can have a delicious crepe at Ne Me Quitte Pas, recently opened. Then, we can have the first drink at Lucas (C/San Lucas, 11), and we can go dancing at Fulanita de Tal (Conde de Xiquena, 2) or to The Planet (Barquillo, 26), and if we want to change areas, we can go to Ochenta, in Lavapiés. If we want to end the night with something stronger we go to Medea (Calle de la Cabeza, 33). |
The first drink
Pedro Alonso
If you like going out to party and burning up the dancefloor with your mates, you cannot miss my favorite pubs! My first suggestion is Why Not, with an amosphere full of good vibes, with the best hits of the moment mixed with the classics that bring so many past memories to our minds. But listen, do not go to Why Not later than 1 a.m., because then there will not be room on the dancefloor for you. And last, I cannot forget to mention the pub where my mates and I spend most of our time when we go out to party, the famous Liquid!!! Located at Barbieri 7, open until 3.30 a.m., which fills with all sorts of people starting at 1.30 a.m., with the latest hits of pop-rock in English and the walls covered with television screens playing the videos of each of the songs, which is the perfect way for you and your friends to follow the coreographies and not to miss a single step.
The discos
Juan Carlos Felipe
Sometimes, after the first drink of the night, get togethers and the good vibes make us long for something else. To get it, Madrid has the privilege of having a wide selection of night life spots that cater to every musical taste setting. At Cool, the gay party is spread between two floors and two atmospheres. Ohm is the perfect place for sophistication, drum and bass and to show off one’s fit body. If your style of enjoyment includes following trends and high quality remixes, then go to Boite, where you can enjoy both. |
Party on a budget
Mario Martín
I will suggest two options for low-priced drinks. First, El Tigre, a bar in Chueca, Calle Infantas. A good place for a couple of beers and huge tapas of bravas, paella, croquettes, Spanish omelet… and many other savoury things at a very good price. In addition, if after that you want to go for a walk, you will already be in the heart of Madrid, so you can go shopping on Gran Vía, enjoy a theatre play or musical, and many other options. Once the night has fallen, you should visit Nike. In the daylight, it is the typical neighbourhood bar, but at night it is transformed and it is almost impossible to find room in it. To start the night in Chueca, there is nothing better than visiting this bar to have a refreshing beer. Although it is in the middle of an "in" area, prices are rather affordable. Moreover, you will find a very good atmosphere and very nice people. |
Ángel Bragado
Madrid also has something to offer to those of us who still enjoy the taste of a good drink or a good cocktail! True as it is that noisy discos offer loads of fun, my suggestion to all those who want to taste a cosmopolitan almost as good as the one Miranda would have in Pastis in Sex and the City is not to miss DEL DIEGO, my favorite place, in Calle Reina, where you can also have a wonderful Long Island or even a Piña Colada if you are feeling tropical. A few meters away, if you like gin, you will find the lovely Mercado de la Reina, where you can drink Martin Millers and Fever tree, Hendricks with cucumber or a delicious citadelle, and even have dinner with that… I must not forget to mention the margaritas at Tepic in Calle Pelayo or, why not, the glamourous COK in Calle Reina. All of these are heirs to mythical Chicote in Gran Vía, and have even left it behind. Believe me, you cannot miss these! |
Chueca's terrazas
Jesús Galán
What better way to enjoy the sunset and lower evening temperatures than to visit a Madrid classic... outdoor bars or terrazas. This is the best time of the year and the gay areas of town have an endless offer of terrazas.
You will find the most famous ones in the Plaza de Chueca itself. The atmosphere is excellent and this is a cool moment to cross one’s leg and comment on passers by. But hey, if you are looking for free seats after 22:30, you mus be alert over who leaves a free table, since the competition over the few free seats can be fierce.
And last but not least, my favorite outdoor bars. Although slightly away from the Chueca area, if what you like is an alternative atmosphere and a mixed combination of all sorts of people, it will be worth the while to promenade along Calle Argumosa, in the Lavapiés neighbourhood and enjoy any of the many outdoor bars. |
Top fashion
Luis Pérez
Si lo tuyo es un rollo más fashion, la decoración minimalista y unas vistas estupendas no puedes perderte la terraza del Hotel Oscar. Dos avisos: no te olvides el bañador y recuerda que el lujo se paga. Mi segunda propuesta es el Gift, pub con una decoración moderna minimalista muy chula, música más rollo house y donde se juntan una buena manada de tíos guapos y cachas. Ambas ideas están en el Hotel Óscar, en la plaza de Vázquez de Mella
Madrid de día. A day out in Madrid |
Los brunch
Gonzalo Baños
Mis dos opciones favoritas so el Nina Madrid y el Café Olivier. El Nina empieza a ser un clásico en Madrid. Gente guapa y moderna en un restaurante muy "neoyorkino" con gusto y encanto. Además de café, te y bollería tradicional incluyen batidos y un plato principal. Yo recomiendo los huevos Benedictinos, la estrella de la casa y los mejores de Madrid. Horario: Sábados, domingos y festivos de 12 a 17:30. Precio: 20€, incluye las bebidas. Dirección: Manuela Malasaña, 10 (Metro Bilbao); cerca de Chueca. Reservar es importante: Tel. 91 5910046.
El Olivier fue en su origen lo más de la modernidad, fue creado en 1966 por Adolfo Marsillach, un afamado actor y dramaturgo español. En los años 70 era de los pocos sitios de ambiente gay de Madrid, junto con el Café Gijón, en los años que todo era un poco de tapadillo y a escondidas este sitio estaba lleno de famoseo, farándula y actores. Tiene cierto encanto revisitar los sitos con tanta historia. Aquí los huevos Benedictinos también son la estrella, de segundo te recomiendo una ensalada César o una cheeseburguer.
Horario: Domingos de 11:30 a 16:00. Precio: 24€ sin bebidas.
Dirección: Almirante, 12 (Chueca). No olvides reservar (se puede hacer por Internet Tel: 91 5217379. |
Terrazas con encanto
Axier Uzkudun
¡Hay terraza nueva en la ciudad…! Nos referimos a una nueva terraza que planea sobre la ciudad de Madrid como ya la hacen las emblemáticas del Hotel Urban (Carrera de San Jerónimo 34), Hotel de las Letras (Gran Vía 11), Hotel Me Madrid Reina Victoria (Pza. Santa Ana), El nuevo “inquilino” de Madrid parece ser el hermano pequeño de los que ya planean sobre los tejados de la ciudad. Sin embargo, cuenta con las mejores vistas a uno de los edificios más fotografiados de Madrid, el Metrópolis. ¿Quién no tiene una foto de su maravillosa cúpula? Pues bien, prometo que a partir de hoy, tiraréis las fotos anteriores y desde la terraza del Hotel ADA Palace (Gran Vía 2) y sacaréis unas espectaculares fotos de la cúpula en cuestión, de la Gran Vía, del edificio del Círculo de Bellas Artes. Además, el hotel también cuenta con un acogedor bar-lounge, todo en su sexta planta. Copas más baratas, trato agradable y menos concurrencia que en otras terrazas de Madrid. Así que… ¿nos damos una cita? |
Los Museos
Luisgé Martín
Madrid cuenta con un excelente triángulo de las Bermudas pictórico (Museo del Prado, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía) donde satisfacer los más amplios gustos artísticos (pintura, escultura, fotografía…). También en esta zona de fenómenos sensoriales se encuentra el nuevo edificio de Caixaforum con su jardín colgante. Pero en esta ocasión recomendamos la exposición Surrealismo. La subversión de las imágenes que inaugura (17 de junio) la Fundación Mapfre (Paseo de Recoletos 23) con más de 400 imágenes donde los surrealistas plasmaron su encuentro y experiencias con este lenguaje artístico. Entrada gratuita.
Además, todos podemos disfrutar disfrutar de la exposición "Madrid OH Cielos" en la azotea del Círculo de Bellas Artes (2€) hasta septiembre. Exposición de fotografías del cielo de Madrid de los mejores fotógrafos: Garcia-Alix, Cristina Rodero, Ouka Lele. |
Restaurantes vegetarianos
Omar Hossain
Mis Restaurantes Vegetarianos favoritos son El Vergel , Avenida de Valladolid 54(metro Príncipe Pío), el Artemisa, c/ Tres Cruces 1 (metro Gran Vía) y el Ecocentro, c/ Esquilache 5 (metro Cuatro Caminos) ¡Feliz vida sana! |
A tan sólo unos kilómetros
Juanda Iniesta
If you are keen on the fashion thing, the minimalist decoration and gorgeous views, you cannot miss the open air terrace on the rooftop of the Hotel Oscar. Two warnings: do not forget your swimming trunks and remember that luxury has a price. My second suggestion is Gift, a pub on the ground floor with a wicked minimalist avant-garde decoration, house-like music and an endless list of beautiful and muscled hunks. You can enjoy both at Hotel Óscar, in Plaza Vázquez de Mella. |
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