Welcome to the Madrid Tennis Open 2011
The waiting is over...almost. In just few hours the sun, the water the balls and the green set courts will get full of players. And that`s equal to say that they will get full of life. 85 players and visitors will come to Madrid to celebrate tennis and friendship. A little group of friends, not as much as 85, but just four, Ángel, Mario, Jesús and Luis have been working the whole year to keep this sport dream alive. We have not been alone. That`s why we want to say a big "thank you" to the people to have supported us and will support us through the good and the not so good times.
So, yes, on thrusday the planes and trains arrive. We will hug many of you at 16.00 o´clock. Time to train untill 18 PM. At 20 we will go on with the kiss and hug ceremony at Ne me quitte pas, a perfect place for a first drink a first eye contact, or even both... Also, on the spare time, you can have a look at the goodie bag. You will find useful guides and useful anti extreme heat gadgets!!!
Training turns into competition at nine o`clock. Friday, the first day and the first winners and loosers. If you feel you deserve after a tight match go and try the swimming pool. It`s free and it`s for all the MTO 2011 players.
22 is a great moment to have dinner in Spain. But come on, be realistic: you will never get a table much sooner at any GLTA tournament. Have you ever seen a tea time event at any GLTA tournament? Of course not. That would be heretical. After that, at 00.00, comes the sinners moment at our party at Shangay Club. Dance until you can.
Sunday, final day, day where the finals are played. Time to give away some trophies, say thank you and see you soon. Or maybe goodbye. But after all we want to make sure that you have a great time. Here and with us. There are few things more addictive than sports. And none with a stronger magnetism than the alliance of sports and frienship together. That´s why this tournament has withstood the test of time and is still standing. That`s why we have tried hard to make the better posible tournament. And, finaly, that`s why we thank you for coming back to Madrid, or for coming here for the first time, just to play with us.
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